My Story


Hi! I’m Audrey Stanton, I’m 20, and I’m a junior at Pittsburg State University. In August of 2016 at the beginning of my 8th grade year, my best friend Reese Naylor passed away after a 9-year battle with Leukemia. I met Reese in preschool, and we were best friends to the very end.  Her family lived down the street from mine and we did everything together.

In May 2017 of my 8th grade year, my other best friend Charlie Futhey passed away after a 9-year battle with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors (DSRCT). I had been friends with Charlie since I was a baby; in fact, he was my first visitor when I was born.

After both of my friends passed away, I knew I wanted to honor their memories in any way possible, but I just wasn’t sure how. During my sophomore year of high school, I joined KAY Club, a high school organization that teaches leadership skills, community service, and character development. I also participated in the Leukemia Lymphoma Society's Student of the Year campaign. Student of the Year is a campaign where various high school students compete to raise the most money for cancer research. With the help of my family, friends, and community, my friend and I raised over $50,000.

As a result of this, I was able to apply for the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program which is the United States’ largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. I was selected as the high school 2020 Kansas State Honoree.